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A state-of-the-art 3-wheel machine

BP®3 Baseball Pitching Machine with Changeup

(9 reviews) Write a Review

The closest thing to a real pitcher you can experience—throwing 9 pitches at the turn of a dial, including changeups. Patented micro-adjustments make changing from inside to outside or top to bottom of the zone a simply turn of wrist


A state-of-the-art 3-wheel machine

BP®3 Baseball Pitching Machine with Changeup

(9 reviews) Write a Review

The closest thing to a real pitcher you can experience—throwing 9 pitches at the turn of a dial, including changeups. Patented micro-adjustments make changing from inside to outside or top to bottom of the zone a simply turn of wrist

0 units

Inside the mind of a Big League Hitter during batting practice.





Throws changeups using the remote control on key chain or manual button located on control panel.



The BP®3 has a large 3" LCD display. You to set the digital speed you desire by simply turning a knob.



Pinpoint™ control at your fingertips—the most advanced and easy to use pitch targeting system ever developed for a pitching machine (patent pending.)

Fastball/Changeup Hitting Circuit: 3 preset hitting circuits allows the machine to automatically change between fastball and changeup giving your hitters a "real" pitcher vs. hitter experience.

Throws these ball types: Throws baseballs, the JUGS Pearl®, JUGS Sting-Free® baseballs—dimpled and seam, JUGS Lite-Flite® and SOFTIE® baseballs, and JUGS BULLDOG™ baseballs.

Select-A-Pitch™ Dial: The BP®3 throws the following nine pitches:

Fastballs and changeups, right and left-handed curveballs and sliders, right and left-handed cutters and split-finger fastballs.


OPTIONAL Defensive Short Legs: NOW AVAILABLE!—JUGS BP3 Defensive Short Legs: Upgrade your BP3 to be the defensive assistant for your practice routine. CLICK HERE

Perfect for all defensive drills: The new JUGS BP3 Defensive Short Legs will let you practice all defensive drills including: Catcher pop-up drills, infield fielding drills, second base tagging drills, double play drills, deep fly ball drills, hooking fly ball drills, and infield fly balls. With the lower release point the bounce, spin and release is accurate and creates a realistic learning experience.

With Quick-Snap release buttons, the JUGS Defensive Short Legs are easy to install.






I encourage coaches to definitely get their hands on one of these machines. I’m sure it’s going to help your player’s game – Big Time!



Trusted and used by the very best at every level of baseball.

Don’t just take our word for it. Hear from future Hall of Famer and World Champion Albert Pujols, NCAA D1 Baseball Champions, Pat Casey and George Horton, and Oregon's winningest high school baseball coach, Dave Gasser.







9 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews

  • 5
    Thank you

    Posted by Bret Griffis on 10 Apr 2024

    The best machine on the market today. Can’t wait to see how much these kids can achieve over the next few years worjing with this machine

  • 5
    BP3 Pitching Machine

    Posted by shayne on 17 Nov 2021

    Very please with the machine. We have only used it twice since receiving it but very excited about it's usability. Curve balls and sliders were very realistic.

  • 5
    BP3 Baseball Pitching Machine

    Posted by Sean S Fitzsimmons on 09 Jul 2021

    Our Littlefoot's Baseball Club just started using The BP3 for 10u and we love it. The kids call it Optimus Prime. It has all the options to use as skill levels grow.

  • 4
    BP 3 pitching machine

    Posted by B Carpenter on 04 Jan 2021

    Only had for 3 weeks but works well. Easy to use, should provide some game like pitching practice. Takes a little while to figure out elevation and direction for different pitches at different speeds, but change of speed can be easily be done without batter knowing. So far very pleased

  • 5
    BP3 Baseball

    Posted by Michael Hague on 31 Aug 2019

    We added this to our hitting facility and have been pleased ever since. Quality product, well built. Pro/cons... only con would be it’s super top heavy and difficult to move with one person ( that being said I am sure switching to lighter materials would make this machine $5k).
    Pro- other than the obvious, 9 pitch variable speed options, is the pitch pitch can be a fastball high and inside...turn two knobs a half turn and dial down a touch and it’s a changeup outside. The pitch location adjustment in our opinion is what makes this machine a must have to take your players to the next level.

  • 5
    The BP3 Machine

    Posted by David Mansbery on 24 Aug 2019

    The BP3 allows us to properly teach hitters how to deal with the off speed pitch. Players wash out in droves when they have to begin dealing with the off speed pitch.
    The BP3 allows a player to experience more off speed pitches in a week than they’d see in years of game play.
    —David Mansbery

  • 5
    It's what we needed.

    Posted by Bubby B. on 10 Jul 2019

    It's exactly what he needed— it throws all the pitches left- and right-handed.

  • 5
    work great

    Posted by Rebecca Boeschen on 07 May 2019

    We use this for a high school baseball team. Work great for that age of kids. Many settings.

  • 5
    BP3 Machine

    Posted by William Serantoni on 22 Mar 2019

    This machine is amazing. They fixed complaint I had with a two wheel machine. Switching to a curve ball, or splitter is easy. Small adjustments to the aim can be done easily. The "change up" ability is good. Batters now don't know it's coming, jus like in a real game.