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Instruction Manuals

manuals-and-instructions-2016.pngTo find the instructions or user manual for a particular JUGS product, click on the pdf link for the chosen product. If you do not see the product you are looking for, please contact our customer service department at 1-800-547-6843, ext. 723. Upon request, owner's manuals, instruction sheets and replacement warning decals can also be mailed to you.

Ball-Throwing Machines

Carousel Feeder Instructions

Protector™ Series Protective Screens

Protector™ Blue Series Protective Screens

Standard Protective Screens

Fixed-Frame™ Protective Screens

Quick-Snap® Protective Screens

Portable Batting Cages

Batting Cages: #27, #42, #60 and #96—INDOOR Installation Instructions

Batting Cages: #27, #42, #60 and #96—OUTDOOR Installation Instructions

Instant Products

Radar Guns